The 2022 Legislative Session. What Just Happened?
The Florida Legislature concluded the 2022 Session without passing any major community association legislation. Several counties and the Florida Bar convened task forces in the aftermath of the Surfside tragedy. Primary among the suggested legislative changes for multifamily buildings were periodic engineering inspections, reserve studies and reserve funding mandates.
The Senate and House could not agree on the reserve funding issue and, as a result, nothing passed. The outcome of the 2022 Legislative Session once again underscores the inherent problem when all community association ideas are placed in only one omnibus bill. Until our legislators acknowledge this problem and start using stand-alone bills for important proposals, there is always the risk that needed reforms will not pass.
It is anticipated that the reforms which should have passed this Session will return next year and there is a slight chance they could be revisited in a special session. Please stay tuned for our upcoming webinar on what next year’s community association legislation will include and how your board and management team can best prepare.